Friday, March 21, 2014

A Friday in the life of a Special Needs Parent: Picking up Brad's Meds.

@2014 Stacie D. Wyatt/Perfect Chaos

@2014 Stacie D. Wyatt/Perfect Chaos

Today, I had to go pick up Brad's Rispercrap and Clone (Clonindine) from the pharmacy at the clinic. I called in the prescription 4 days ago. Since the pills take 3 days to fill, I have to call before it get too low. Too low means he won't have enough meds to get through a school week. My mother drove for almost an hour to get to the psych clinic. 

The last time, I called in meds, the wait was an hour. When I have to walk-in and wait, I have waited for hours. I should have known something was wrong, when the line moved too quick. I arrived at the window with ID in hand, ready to leave Third Ward or whatever part of Houston I was in. Going to the clinic isn't one of my favorite past times. An appointment takes all day. If you have to wait for meds, add a few extra hours. The pharmacist said the Clone was ready, but not the Rispercrap. I can live without the Clone: I have Melatonin as a back-up. I can't live without the Rispercrap. 

First, the pharmacy said the insurance did not cover the meds. Then, they said the amount of refills had expired (still have one more left). The pharmacy just changed over to a new system. Some data had got lost. One dude, had brought his empty pill bottle to show how many refills he had left. The pharmacy lady was very nice. She called Medicaid. She called Brad's psych down the hallway and got him some Rispercrap. I was happy when Brad's name was called and I saw both of his medications in the bag.

I did strike up a conversation, with potential SPED grandparent. She suspects her grandson may have ADHD, but his mother does not want to get him tested. The grandson was two years old. The mama can get him tested through WIC but grandma said mama does not want to get WIC. Wishing Grandma the best. 

I love my boys, but I hate, hate, hate phone calls home from school, asking me to come pick up Brad (with no car) for bad and destructive, Autistic behavior. He already doesn't take his Clone in the mornings, like he supposed to because his teacher said he slept the whole day(s). When he doesn't have his Rispercrap, he can kick, throw, scream, meltdown. The last, level 5 meltdown, she sent Brad to the principals office. This was about a month ago. I was at the psych clinic again, picking up Brad's medications. 

By the time, we got back on our side of town, Brad had a hour left for school. My mother did not want to waste time picking him up, when he would be home soon. Special needs teachers supposed to know how to deal with special needs kids, she said. Plus, you can’t pay me to homeschool again.

Anyway, this is a Friday in the life of a special needs parent. 

Other highlights of my day:

  • Went to take my shower earlier today before we headed to the clinic. Kalen was sleep. When I got back to my room, Kalen was woke. Diaper was off. He smeared poo all over him, my pillows, and sheets. 
  • Early this morning, both Brad and Kalen woke up before 4 a.m. They did not keep quiet, which gave groggy me, a migraine. I gave Brad a Clone earlier, but he left the room quickly after. I am not sure if he took the pill. I had to give him melatonin so he can sleep for school. Brad played on the computer, while Kalen went through the bins and buckets. I had enough when Kalen hit me in the head, with a small box, filled with glassware. Yeah, not a good night. I made Brad turn off the computer and get back in his bed. I prayed for a moment's peace. Of course, I tapped Kalen's leg for trying to kill mama, while groggy. I could not handle all the madness last night. 
One day, one day soon, both kids will be in school. I will have three hours free from Timon and Pumbaa. Have a blessed day. 

Stacie D. Wyatt

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