I choose to review the book because I am overextended. I blog. I parent special needs kids. I go to church. I am in school. I have to deal with other annoying relatives. I have to find time to write, do homework, and exercise. My life has gotten more hectic since my oldest returned to public school. I am back to getting up early and making sure Brad goes to bed on time. I also have to remember to wash his school clothes, every other day.
I started reading the book a few days ago and finished more than half of the book in one sitting. The book is excellent. Harper discussed the ups and downs of adoption. She also discussed her work with women in rehab, who struggle with prostitution and drug addiction. She has her ups and downs, but still worked on getting closer to Christ and expanding her ministry and volunteer work. I, on the other hand, struggle with time management, and frustration from not being able to complete tasks, like I used to. I have no ministry at church, even though I want to, because I don't have a ride to most events. I do sign up for events and hope I am able to volunteer when the day arrives. I have worked for the fall festival, vacation bible school, and the summer carnival. I am interested in the media department though to learn how to use my camera equipment, while also serving God and the church.
Some highlights I liked from the book:
Page 7: "but then I had a conversation with a friend over coffee, that convinced me being overextended can be biblical.....(a few passages pass) I think this is what we're supposed to look like when we stand before jesus. I don't think we're supposed to show up in glory with time to spare, a fresh manicure, and perfect hair. I think if we're really living the gospel, we're going to fall at his feet exhausted and messy, with mismatched socks, just plump worn out from loving people as hard as we can."
Page 7: "Life isn't always orderly and relationships rarely fold neatly with hospital corners. Real life...abundant life....God-honoring life is about loving Jesus and the people he allows to rub shoulders with well. Which means some days we'll be stretched emotionally and physically. We'll be taxed to the max."
The book was a good read. Harper discussed expanding our boundaries/limits to helping others in need, even when we are stressed out. She also discusses God's peace and asking God for guidance through it all.
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