Monday, March 11, 2013

If I knew then, what I knew now

I read, If I knew then, What I knew now, in exchange for review from BookSneeze. The book was written by Ruby Hillsman and Published by Westbow Press. 

I chose this book because I have made mistakes in the past and have learned how to move past them and definitely how not to make them again. If I knew the future consequences of my actions, I would have done things differently.

Lyfe Jennings has a song by the same name: If I knew then, what I knew now.
I review for BookSneeze®
"If I knew then what I know now, I'd be different, I would slow downI would not be running around, if I knew then what I know now
If I knew then what I know now, I'd be different, I would slow down
As the world spins round and around, wish I knew then what I know now
I did it to myself, blamed nobody else"

I can learn from my own mistakes. I also can learn what to do and what not to do, from watching others. 
What I learned from the book:
People have access to more information--via the internet, smart phones, and other techie gadgets, yet we still make the same mistakes over and over and over again. Some people do not learn from their mistakes until it is too late or not at all. The author talks about how we need to "wake up" and reevaluate our lives. We need to think, reason, and learn. We don't always need to take the easy path in life. We need to learn from others success and failures. We need to improve for the better, not remain stagnant or keep falling behind. The world is changing, but some people are content to remain the same or indifferent, or content. Some people do not want to change, no matter how many mistakes they are making or have made. I definitely have a lot of regrets from my past, but I can not change the past. I can change how my past affects my present and future. I can not blame others. I am responsible for the stupid things (and the good things) I have done. 

I wish I had not rushed into my first relationship and marriageI wish I had not had sex with that many menI wish I was not afraid to tell people I had herpes in the beginning. I needed support. I wish I had not told him that, but I learned to get over multiple addictions once, I did (so I guess that is a good thing). I wish I never took out my first pay day loan. I wish I went celibate sooner. 
Many of these regrets don't even matter now. I learned from them. I grew from them. I healed from some of them. It helps me appreciate where I am now, more. I also know what to do if temptation arises. I know what situations I do not want to be a part of. 

The author provides 12 chapters in the book. The introduction is amazing. Each chapter provides a series of stories, with a list of lessons learned at the end. The stories start at age 5 to  9 years old and continues in chronological order. The author learned about responsibility and having a positive attitude at an early age. Her grandmother taught her the value of hard work, in addition to the ups and downs of being a single parent. She also learned about the power of prayer, in addition to the value of slowing down. . The book is an excellent read. Definitely enjoying the lessons and how to apply the lessons to my life. 

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