I read Unashamed by Christine Caine, in exchange for honest review from BookLook Bloggers. I wanted to read the book because I need to learn to let go of some things to move forward in life. Shame keeps us enslaved and with God, we can be set free.
One of the first things, which stood out was the author said shame causes us to throw out good gifts we are given. Shame also causes us to hide and build walls to separate us from others. Shame also keeps you from reaching your full potential. Shame also tells lies to your soul (powerful). Shame tells you that you are not worthy of God's love and grace.
Caine discussed her background growing up and how she was picked on and ridiculed for being Greek, for being a leader, and for being a female. I was picked on for being fat, for being book smart, for not hanging out with the blacks, and for being in AFJROTC in high school. Even as an adult, I got picked on in a college math class because I knew the answers--not because I am good in math--but because I studied to keep from failing, but yet by the end of week 5, I was one of three people, who was passing the class. Professor Tony told me he didnt' care what the other adult students said, if I knew the answer, speak up. He also told the class, if they needed help, contact the three passing students, but that was doing the days of free nights and weekends. No one called me until it was the day of the final and the calls was not free. Could not answer. oh well . lol.
The book came at the right moment. I have many issues to work on and work thru with God.
You can purchase the book in multiple formats: paperback, hardback, kindle, audio cd, and audible. Caine also has a study guide available too. The book is prime-eligible.
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