Yesterday, what I thought would be a simple day, took a few interesting turns, so I decided to blog about it lol.
Brad had a pediatrician appointment yesterday. I wanted to check his height, weight, and check on labs from the last appointment. Since medical transportation is not always reliable, I always give the wrong time to make sure I am at the doctors on time. Brad's appointment was at 9, but we got there around 8 when the clinic was first opening.
Brad has a history with the clinic of disruptive behavior. Brad screams. Brad doesn't always cooperate right away when it comes to the weight scale, height thingamabob, and blood pressure. Usually when he has lab work, the clinic sends a request to Texas Childrens. The last visit in November, his old psych decided to attempt to do blood work on site. Needless to say eight people had to hold him down and he punched a hole in their wall.
When we walked in yesterday, Aaron (receptionist) and the security guard informed the medical staff of Brad's presence so Brad was able to see the nurse practitioner early and then the doctor. Brad is 5'8 and 158 lbs now. Everything is on track.
We left the clinic around 9. I called medical transportation for a ride home, but the driver did not answer. I walked to Wal-Greens to get Brad some snacks. Sometimes drivers take over an hour to pick clients back up. We left Wal-Greens around 930 and I called the driver again. No answer. Called medical transportation to see if I can get a back up driver, but the phone went dead. None of my power banks or cords was charging my phone fast enough.
When I got a decent charge, where I could make a phone call, the driver finally answered and said he was stuck in traffic and it would be another 30 or so minutes before he got to the clinic. I also checked my voicemail and found out Kalen had a few bouts of diarrhea at school. The nurse tried to reach me multiple times while I was attempting to charge the phone. Nothing I can do until I got back to my home side of town. I also had to get Brad back to school because he can not go anywhere near the autism trap, an intersection on Antoine and West Little York, which has a McDonalds, Lil Caesars, Burger King, and Subway. Taco Bell, Dominos, and Shipleys is within the vicinity too. Brad has had major meltdowns at this intersection and has bolted across both West Little York and Victory to get to the food.
I finally got home around 12 p.m. I handled some potty issues first, then hopped on public transportation with Brad to take him to school. I also had to drag along the stroller. I had a nice discussion with the bus driver. He said I needed a school card for Brad to get the discount. I been riding Metro for a few months and every other bus driver has taken my .60 cents for both Brad and Kalen every time we rode the bus lol.
The bus driver took my .60 cents for Brad and I tapped my card. Brad got dropped off at school, which is always an interesting experience. I got to go through metal detectors, go to attendance, and the special needs hallway to hunt down whatever teacher Brad is supposed to go to. Usually, it works to let Brad scream a little to alert a teacher to take him to the right class . Got out of the school, walked back to the bus stop, where the same driver, who dropped me off, picked me back up, and let me ride free since no one else was on the bus.
It takes a few minutes to get down the street back to the trap, where Kalen's school is also located. If Kalen was feeling better, I would walk home, and if not, collect him, and we will walk home. Kalen was still sick so I put him in the stroller and on we rolled. I stopped at the .99 cent store to get some batteries for my wireless and bluetooth mice, laundry detergent, and fabric softener. The store is in the trap as well. While walking from the school to the store, my mama called twice, but didn't answer when I called back. Another friend/acquaintance called and wanted to come over. I needed some adult convo so I gave him the address, gate code, and apt number. I did my shopping and started heading back home.
The walk home was tiring for a 10 minute walk. My shopping bag broke. My phone kept falling off the charger. Kalen drunk up my bottle of water. Road workers just poured wet cement and one of them helped lift the stroller to move around the wet cement.
I finally reached the gates of my complex about 1 pm. As soon as I was about to turn in, I saw Brad's aide get off the bus. I silently cussed to myself because this man was here too early. I have asked him before to please arrive as close to Brad's bus time as possible, but he does not listen. Brad's bus arrives at 220. JMM showed up at 1. Great, the introvert in me, was bummed. I have not been at home for most of the morning. I have not cleaned. I needed to start cooking dinner. I also have the friend coming over, who now has to run into the aide lol.
I walk in the complex and the friend calls. He is at the gate. Do you see the woman with baby in stroller and African-male aide? (The aide is from Africa and grew up in France. For the purposes of this blog, the aide will be refered to as the African and friend as the American lol). yep. Great. I finish walking to my apartment, get inside, meet the friend, and the aide talks talking. Damn extroverts. The African started talking to the American for the whole two hours, the American was here. The African stayed almost three hours day (I been approved for two hours per day for both morning and afternoon. The afternoon aide wants the whole two hours for his self plus some. I have not requested any more hours because I do not see the point). I barely got a word in to my own friend. Those two discussed politics, race relations, and other stuff, which I automatically tuned out because my house was messy and I needed to clean the living room and kitchen. The introvert in me was happy I can clean in peace and can avoid a convo with the African. Did I mention he does not know how to stop talking lol? Damn extroverts
The American even pulled me to the side, after Brad got home, and asked about how to get rid of the African so we could have a convo. I did not have an answer on how to send Brad's aide home early. I tried telling him Brad had therapy, but he still would not leave. Brad does start in-home therapy today, after he gets home from school. The high school is testing and the kids have half days for Wednesday and Thursday, off on Friday and Monday. The therapist will be here tomorrow about 10:40 a.m.
Today has been an interesting day. Take Brad to the doctor and Kalen gets sick. Invite a friend over and both he and the aide shows up at the same time. The aide talks up the friend,
The American did a good job with the kids because they turned up the active, especially Kalen, which made a few thoughts start to wonder. Bald head, chocolate male. Former Marine with a job, but he has a dog and my kids are scared of dogs. I am not a pet person either. but that's another story.
Has anyone else had one of these days?

Welcome to Perfect Chaos. My name is Stacie D. Wyatt. I am a published poet and writer. I review books and products. I also host giveaways. I also have two kids: 21 years old and a 10 year old. My oldest is Autistic/ADHD and my youngest is global developmentally delayed with autism, adhd, seizures, sleep apnea, and more. I enjoy writing about the ups and downs of parenting two differently-abled children.
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