I read Prototype: What Happens When You Discover You're More Like Jesus Than You Think?
The book consists of nine chapters, with a discussion guide in the back. The DVD also comes with a leader guide. You can also download excerpts and discussion guide.

My Review:
The book teaches us how to allow Jesus to become our prototype. Chapter 1 of the book/DVD discusses Identity. What is your identity? Some people think their identity is similar to their social media profiles. A brief bio, sometimes longer, explaining their likes, dislikes, age, sex, and location. Yet, a profile does not explain who you truly are? "What are you covering up? What are you afraid of? Where are you going" (p. 1). What is your true identity. Martin says we have plenty of influences competing for our attention, telling us who we are and who we should be. Yet, What is your true identity.Page 15 described perfectly what the book is about: "The book is not about finding religion. It's not a self-help manual. I don't have seven habits or twelve steps to take you anywhere. This is about becoming awake to God. And if we become awake to God, we become awake to everything and everyone around us."
Page 17 starts discussing why Jesus is our prototype. We need to strive to be children of God. We need to find our identity in Christ. We need to have awareness of God's presence. "Jesus was so certain of who he was and where he was going that of course he became a threat to the world around him. He didn't need the affirmation of other people to know his true identity" (p. 18).
"The reason Jesus was such a threat to the religious authorities of his time was not that he went around teaching people to be nice to one another. The reason he was a threat was he showed us a new way to be human. That's why he ultimately had to be crucified--he was calling others into this new humanity, and it was dangerous for the social order of the day. And not just His day, but ours as well."
Knowing our identity in Christ helps us change our behaviors and attitudes. knowing our identity helps us follow Christ more.
Chapter 2 discusses how we are beloved by Christ. Because we are loved by Christ, "we are born with the capacity to dream, to imagine, to pl ay, to create" (p. 21). Yet fear can cripple us from finding our true identity and purpose. I have plenty of fears to work through. Next, the chapter discussed how Jesus "is the prototype for a new way of being human, to begin with his life might seem to intimidating---because in many ways he feels 'other"from us" (p. 25). The chapter also discussed how David's life started out as a shepherd, but eventually David slayed a giant; ran away from Saul; helped steal another man's wife, yet David was a king, poet, and musician, who knew the power of God's love. No matter how many times David failed, he knew who his creator was. He knew of God's grace and mercy.
Chapter 3 discusses obscurity. People don't want to be obscure---We want to have fame and riches. We want to be the next American Idol or have the X-Factor and The Voice. Our society puts celebrities on a pedestal. Even in the church, some people want power, position, and popularity. Our identity shouldn't be based on what others do, but should be grounded in Christ.
Funny story: I am an online gamer. I used to be a big fan of Zynga. A former friend of mine got mad because I was on a higher level than him. I had started playing a year before him, hence I had more friends and experience, while he was a newbie. Yet, he couldn't understand how I got higher in a game than him.
Chapter 3 also discusses how we need to learn how to hear the voice of God and resist the forces of the Devil. The chapter also discusses the wilderness. Both Jesus and David found themselves in the wilderness. We need the wilderness to have time alone to draw closer to God.
Chapter 4 discusses the calling. We are called to do the work of Christ. The bible showed how God will use anyone to do his will. Saul (Paul) persecuted Christians. Moses had speech issues. Rahab, a prostitute, helped hide a few men of God. Don't remember who she helped, but she helped.
Chapter 5 discusses wounds. We all have scars and wounds, not just physical but emotional. I have been physically and emotionally abused before. I have been hurt by allowing emotions to cloud sexual relationships. I have felt abandonment, betrayal, and loneliness. Some days, my scars can lead to depression and regret, but when we follow Jesus, our scars shouldn't bring us shame, but authenticate us (p. 89) Most of the time, I repress and bury my scars, unless the situation requires me to bring them to the surface. We need to tell God about our scars, our hurts, and our wounds to find peace, comfort, and joy.
Chapter 6 discusses resurrection. The chapter discusses death. Death is permanent and cannot be reversed. Yet, nothing quite exists like resurrection--the act of bringing something dead back to life. In the bible, Lazarus and Jesus was resurrected from the dead. The chapter also discusses fear and doubt.
Chapter 7 discusses sacraments. Chapter 8 discusses community. Chapter 9 discusses witness
The book is available in print, audio, and kindle format. The book is prime-eligible.
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