Sunday, March 8, 2015

Tiffy's Terrible Top Hat Review (Tomoson)

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I read Tiffys Terrible Top Hat: Mean Girl Bully Learns a Lesson (Lady Jenniviere's Quill series Book 1), in exchange for honest review from Tomoson. I received a Kindle copy of the book.

The book is about Tiffy, who is obsessed with her looks, especially her long hair. She is also a beauty pageant winner and thinks her hair is her claim to fame. Tiffy is also a bully to her sisters and other people in the neighborhood. One day, it gets cold and Tiffy walks to school under dressed. She needs a warmer jacket and a hat. She finds a hat in the lost and found. The hat is more powerful than she expects. She has to find a way to stop the hat from destroying her life.

The book is a youth book (maybe kids 8 through 12). It teaches about bullies and bullying. Tiffy and her friend bully everyone. Then, when she is going through something, no one is there to support her based on her past behavior.The book will be a quick read for fast readers. I finished the book in one sitting.

You can purchase the book in Kindle and Paperback format on Amazon. The book is prime-eligible.

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